Our Work

PPC & SEM for Maine Gourmet Chocolatier


Ragged Coast Chocolates has been in business since 2007, in different locations and under different names, but always as makers of some of the finest chocolates and truffles around. When we started working together, their digital marketing had been on and off, ad hoc, and only semi-functional for some years, presenting a clear opportunity for improvement.

Meta Ads
Grocery & Food

The Solution

Our work started with a complete overhaul of Ragged Coast’s attribution and event capture, creating a stable data framework from which we could report on our work accurately. From there, we moved to rebuild the account structures on Meta and Google, balancing a full funnel with the need to also market locally, and keep shipping challenges (nobody likes melty chocolate) in mind.

The Outcome

The outcome of our efforts was transformative for Ragged Coast Chocolates. By implementing a stable data framework and rebuilding their digital marketing strategies, we enabled them to make significant progress towards their goals.

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“For the first time, I feel like we are able to make real forward movement toward our goal, especially with the work you are doing, and doing well. When we would try to implement things ourselves in the past they just wouldn’t work, but when you implement things for us we have to be able to produce to a higher level because what you implement works.”

Co-Founder & CEO Steve Shaffer

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