Development & Data

Shopify Accessibility & Data Compliance

If you’ve ever been served an accessibility and data compliance case, or you're in danger of being served one–which, who isn’t these days–you know these are wild times in the world of online accessibility and privacy rules. We’re seeing states come out with their own laws, nefarious actors exploiting systems for their own monetary benefit, and everyone either feeling on edge or blissfully unaware of the risks they shoulder. Beyond legal protection, making sure your website is accessible to all users, including individuals with disabilities, is just good business. 

We believe in addressing accessibility at the site design level and also utilizing compliance solutions like AccessiBe, with whom we are partners. This "belt and suspenders" approach simultaneously makes our clients a tougher mark for lawsuits and also legitimately makes their websites more accessible to potential customers, thereby broadening their audience reach.

We believe in privacy compliance solutions that are, for the most part, cheap and cheerful, and work to integrate them throughout our tech stack.

Most importantly, accessibility is something we care about, something we talk about, and something we continue to learn and grow into so we can provide the best solutions for our clients, especially in this time of technological and legal flux. 

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