Off-Page Optimization

Off-page optimization is the practice of optimizing a website for search engine visibility and rankings by creating content and constructing relationships on external sites or platforms. It is the opposite of on-page optimization, which focuses on the internally facing aspects of a website such as content, HTML tags, meta data, image alt text, and navigation structure. The goal of off-page optimization is to attract links from other websites that link back to your website; this process is known as link building. This helps improve overall search engine visibility because it gives search engines an idea of how popular your website is amongst other websites in its niche.

Link building can be compared to a similar term called link earning, which focuses on developing relationships with webmasters, influencers, and bloggers in order to get them to mention or link back to your website naturally. Link earning differs from link building in that it does not involve any payment or any type of manipulation like buying or selling links. Link earning takes more time since it involves building organic relationships based on trust and credibility. It also requires content creation and engagement with social media in order to drive more traffic from these sources. In comparison to link building where you are actively seeking out people who will link back to your site, with link earning you are hoping that someone finds your content valuable enough that they want to share it with their audience without being asked first.