Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a set of strategies employed to increase a website's visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). It is an ongoing process that involves analyzing the website's content, structure, and keywords; optimizing the title, description, and other meta tags; building quality incoming links from other websites; as well as utilizing various other tactics. Through SEO, webmasters aim to ensure their website can be found by users who enter relevant search queries into popular search engines such as Google or Bing.
SEO can be compared to another online marketing strategy called Pay Per Click (PPC), which allows websites to purchase ads on SERPs. Both SEO and PPC share similar goals of increasing a website's visibility on SERPs. However, they differ significantly in how they achieve these goals. With SEO, webmasters make use of organic content strategies such as keyword research, link building, and content optimization in order to boost their website’s rankings without having to pay for it. Alternatively, with PPC, webmasters bid on certain keywords in order to secure prime real estate on SERPs for their adverts which appear when users enter those particular keywords into search engines. This means that whilst SEO requires more time and effort upfront by webmasters looking to gain visibility for their sites over time without spending money directly for advertisement space every month, PPC requires less upfront effort but continuous investment each month in order to maintain the site’s presence on SERP’s sponsored listings section.
Overall, SEO and PPC are two powerful tools available to webmasters looking to increase traffic and improve visibility for their websites on SERPs. It is important however that they understand the differences between each tactic before deciding which one would suit them best depending on their individual needs and desired results.