Squeeze Page

A squeeze page is a type of landing page that encourages visitors to take a specific action, typically to opt-in to receive a promotion or other offer. They are often used by businesses as part of their marketing campaigns, and typically feature an eye-catching headline and image alongside a simple form asking the visitor for their information. Squeeze pages differ from other types of landing pages in that they are usually designed to capture the visitor's email address or other contact information in order to build a list of potential customers.

Squeeze pages should be differentiated from sales pages, which are designed primarily to convert leads into customers. Although sales pages may contain elements similar to squeeze pages — like calls-to-action, forms, and promotions — the focus on sales pages is different in that it centers around motivating people to purchase a product or service, while squeeze pages focus more on obtaining contact information from prospects.

Another difference between squeeze pages and sales pages is their complexity. Sales pages often contain multiple sections with detailed information about products or services. Squeeze pages, on the other hand, tend to be simpler and more streamlined since their purpose is simply to get visitors to provide their contact information before progressing further down the funnel. This allows them to load quickly and provide an experience that is easy for visitors yet effective for businesses.

Because of this simplicity, squeeze pages tend to be more successful than sales pages when it comes to capturing leads at higher rates. As such, they serve as an important part of any company’s digital strategy when it comes to collecting valuable customer data. With well-designed forms and persuasive copywriting, businesses can use squeeze pages effectively as part of their broader marketing efforts.