
Wholesale is a business practice where businesses, particularly manufacturers and retailers, purchase large quantities of goods at a discounted price from suppliers in order to resell them to customers. Wholesale plays a significant role in ecommerce as it makes it easier for online businesses to buy products in bulk and at lower costs than buying them one at a time. This allows them to offer their customers more attractive prices for the same or similar products.

Unlike B2B (business-to-business) transactions, which involve two businesses engaging in commercial activities with each other directly, wholesale transactions involve an intermediary such as a wholesaler who buys products from the manufacturer or supplier and then sells them on to retailers or other businesses. This provides retailers with access to a vast range of products they otherwise may not have been able to source directly from the supplier. It also allows them to purchase items at much lower prices than they would by buying directly from the manufacturer or supplier.

Wholesale buyers benefit from being able to purchase goods quickly and easily without having to wait for individual orders to be processed. Furthermore, since buyers are able to purchase larger volumes of product at once, they are often able to negotiate better terms and conditions such as discounts, payment terms, and delivery timescales with their suppliers.

In addition, wholesalers can provide retailers with invaluable logistical support such as warehousing and distribution services allowing their clients’ greater flexibility when it comes to stocking levels or launching new ranges of products on the market. Wholesalers can also help reduce costs by offering access to bulk purchasing deals that wouldn’t otherwise be available through direct purchasing from manufacturers alone.

Overall, wholesale is an essential part of ecommerce enabling sellers of all sizes access high-quality products whilst keeping costs low; allowing for competitive pricing whilst providing buyers with a wide range of options available across multiple categories such as consumer electronics, clothing & apparel, automotive parts & accessories etc.