Ecommerce Growth

How to Change the Header Logo on Your Shopify Theme

Ecommerce Growth

How to Change the Header Logo on Your Shopify Theme

Why Your Shopify Logo Matters: A Quick Guide to Changing It

When it comes to establishing your brand, changing your logo in Shopify is a critical step. Your logo isn't just a pretty picture; it's the face of your business and the first thing customers notice. Here's a quick rundown for those who need immediate guidance on this:

  1. Log in to Shopify.
  2. Navigate to "Online Store" > "Themes".
  3. Click "Customize" on your active theme.
  4. Go to "Header" settings, then select or upload your new logo.
  5. Save changes.

Your logo serves as a visual cue for customers to recognize and remember your business. Think about iconic logos like Apple's or Nike's—they instantly evoke trust and familiarity. A memorable logo can do the same for your Shopify store, helping to grab and hold consumer attention. Within 3 to 10 seconds, a good logo conveys your brand message, making a lasting impression.

I'm Steve Pogson, a certified Shopify specialist with over two decades of experience helping businesses optimize their online stores. Whether integrating brand elements or customizing themes, I specialize in changing logos in Shopify to align with your branding needs.

Changing the Shopify logo: A simplified guide - change logo in shopify infographic pillar-3-steps

Understanding Shopify's Logo Settings

When you want to change your logo in Shopify, understanding the platform's logo settings is crucial. This section will guide you through the basics of customizing your theme, using the theme editor, and managing your logo image.

Customize Theme

Shopify themes come with robust customization options. These allow you to tweak various aspects of your online store, from typography and colors to layout and, of course, your logo. Customizing your theme ensures your store reflects your brand identity and provides a seamless shopping experience for your customers.

Theme Editor

The theme editor is your control panel for making these customizations. Accessible from your Shopify admin, the theme editor gives you a live preview of your store as you make changes. This real-time feedback helps you see how adjustments to your logo and other elements impact the overall look and feel of your store.

To access the theme editor:

  1. Log in to your Shopify admin.
  2. Navigate to Online Store > Themes.
  3. Click Customize next to the theme you want to edit.

Logo Image

Your logo is a key part of your store's branding. Shopify allows you to easily upload and manage your logo image through the theme editor. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Click on the "Header" section in the left sidebar of the theme editor.
  2. Look for an option labeled "Logo Image" or simply "Logo".
  3. Click "Select Image" to upload a new logo or choose an existing one from your library.
  4. Adjust the logo's width using the slider to fit your store's design.
  5. Click "Save" to apply the changes.

upload logo - change logo in shopify

Your logo will now appear in the header across all pages of your store, ensuring a consistent brand presence.

By understanding and utilizing Shopify's logo settings, you can ensure your store's logo is both visually appealing and aligned with your brand identity. Next, we’ll delve into the step-by-step guide on how to change your logo in Shopify, making the process even simpler.

How to Change Your Logo in Shopify

Accessing the Customize Page

Changing your logo in Shopify starts with accessing the Customize page. Follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Shopify account: Use your unique login details to access the store backend.

  2. Navigate to Online Store: On the left-hand side menu, scroll down and click on Online Store.

  3. Select Themes: Under the Online Store dropdown, click on the Themes tab. This will take you to the Themes library.

  4. Customize your published theme: Find the theme that is currently running in your store. To the right of the theme, next to the Actions button, click the Customize button.

Selecting and Uploading Your New Logo

Now that you are in the theme customization page, it's time to upload your new logo.

  1. Open the Header section: On the left side of the customization page, click on the Header option. This is where you can manage your store's logo.

  2. Select your logo image: Under the Header section, you will find options for Logo and Home Page Logo. Click the Select button next to Logo Image to upload your new logo.

  3. Upload your logo: A new window will pop up. Here, you can either upload a new image from your computer or select an existing image from your Shopify library.

  4. Adjust the logo size: After selecting your logo, scroll down to find the Custom Logo Width option. Toggle this setting until your logo is the preferred size.

  5. Save your changes: Finally, click Save to apply the changes to your store.

Your new logo will now be displayed in the header across all pages of your store. This ensures a consistent and professional appearance for your brand.

By following these steps, you can easily change the logo in Shopify and keep your store looking fresh and aligned with your brand identity. Next, we'll explore how to optimize your logo for Shopify to ensure it looks great on all devices.

Optimizing Your Logo for Shopify

Ensuring Logo Visibility and Brand Consistency

A well-optimized logo is crucial for brand recognition and visibility. Here are some key points to consider:

Logo Requirements: Your logo should meet Shopify's file format and size requirements to ensure it displays correctly across all devices. The recommended file formats are PNG and JPEG.

File Format: PNG files are preferred because they support transparency, which can help your logo blend seamlessly with different backgrounds. JPEGs are also acceptable, especially for more complex images.

Logo Size: For the best results, your logo should have a maximum width of 300 px. This ensures it looks sharp and clear on all devices.

Visibility and Consistency: Your logo should be easily visible and instantly recognizable. Consistent use of your logo across all pages helps establish a strong brand identity. Make sure to use the same logo for your header, password page, and any other relevant sections.

Adjusting Logo Dimensions and Placement

Shopify allows you to customize the dimensions and placement of your logo to fit your store's design perfectly.

Custom Logo Width: You can adjust the width of your logo to ensure it looks just right. Navigate to Theme settings > Logo. Here, you can use the slider in the Desktop logo width area to set your desired width.

Header Placement: To change the placement of your logo in the header, go to the Header section in your theme customization page. You can choose to align your logo to the left, center, or right, depending on your store's layout.

Practical Tips: - Keep it Simple: Avoid overly complicated designs that may not scale well.- Test on Different Devices: Ensure your logo looks good on both desktop and mobile devices.- Use High-Quality Images: High-resolution images maintain quality even when resized.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure your logo is not only optimized for Shopify but also enhances your brand's visibility and consistency across your online store.

Next, we'll dive into advanced logo settings in Shopify, including integrating brand assets and using Liquid code for further customization.

Advanced Logo Settings in Shopify

In this section, we'll explore advanced settings for your Shopify logo. These include integrating brand assets, using dynamic sources, and customizing with Liquid code.

Integrating Brand Assets

Shopify makes it easy to manage and integrate your brand assets across various sales channels, themes, and apps.

Brand Settings: Head to your Shopify admin, click Settings > General, and then navigate to the Brand assets section. Here, you can manage logos, colors, and cover images. These assets automatically sync with any feature using the Brand API, making it easier to maintain a consistent brand identity.

Sales Channels and Apps Integration: Any sales channel or app that integrates with the Brand API will automatically use your uploaded brand assets. This means once you add your logo, it will be reflected across all connected platforms without extra effort.

Using Liquid Code for Customization

For more control over your logo's appearance, you can use Shopify's Liquid code. Liquid is a template language that allows you to insert dynamic content right into your Shopify store.

Dynamic Source: If your brand assets aren't automatically populating in your theme, you can manually connect them. Open the theme editor, go to Theme settings > Logo, and click the Connect dynamic source button. Select the brand asset you want to use and click Connect.

Liquid Variables and Code Snippets: To customize your logo further, you can edit the theme code. For example, to add your store name next to the logo, find the header file where the class site-header__logo-link exists. Add {{ }} right after the <img> tag. You can also add some CSS to adjust the spacing and alignment: img { margin-right: 10px; display: inline-block; }

Theme.Liquid: The main template file, theme.liquid, is where you can make global changes to your theme. Use Liquid variables to dynamically insert content. For instance, to ensure your logo scales well on mobile, you can add responsive code:

css@media only screen and (max-width: 749px) { .site-header__logo a { font-size: .7em; }}

By leveraging these advanced settings, you can ensure your logo is perfectly integrated and customized to fit your brand's needs.

Up next, we'll answer some frequently asked questions about changing logos in Shopify.

Frequently Asked Questions about Changing Logos in Shopify

How do I ensure my logo looks good on mobile?

Ensuring your logo looks good on mobile is crucial. Mobile commerce is booming, with Shopify reporting that 69% of sales over a Black Friday weekend were made on mobile devices. Here are some tips:

  1. Use a Mobile-Ready Theme: Choose a theme that automatically adjusts the layout for smaller screens.
  2. Optimize Logo Size: Your logo should be clear and recognizable at different sizes. Shopify allows you to customize the desktop logo width in the Theme settings.
  3. Responsive Design: Add responsive code to your CSS to ensure your logo scales well on various devices.

css@media only screen and (max-width: 749px) { .site-header__logo a { font-size: .7em; }}

  1. Test on Multiple Devices: Always preview your store on different devices to ensure the logo looks good everywhere.

Can I use different logos for different pages?

Yes, you can use different logos for different pages on your Shopify store. Here's how:

  1. Use Liquid Code: Shopify's Liquid templating language allows you to specify different logos for different pages. For example, you can add a condition to display a different logo on the homepage.

liquid{% if template == 'index' %} <img src="{{ 'homepage-logo.png' | asset_url }}" alt="Homepage Logo">{% else %} <img src="{{ 'default-logo.png' | asset_url }}" alt="Default Logo">{% endif %}

  1. Theme Customization: Some themes offer built-in options to set different logos for different sections. Check your theme's documentation or settings.

  2. Apps and Integrations: Various apps in the Shopify App Store can help manage multiple logos and other brand assets across different pages and sales channels.

How often should I update my logo?

Updating your logo depends on several factors:

  1. Brand Evolution: If your brand undergoes significant changes, like a shift in target audience or product line, it may be time to update your logo.
  2. Market Trends: Keeping up with design trends can make your brand look modern and relevant. However, frequent changes can confuse customers.
  3. Customer Feedback: Listen to your customers. If they find your logo outdated or unclear, consider a refresh.

A good rule of thumb is to review your logo every 3-5 years. This ensures it remains aligned with your brand identity and market trends.

By addressing these common questions, you can confidently manage your Shopify store's logo, ensuring it looks great and represents your brand effectively.

Next, we will wrap up our discussion with some final thoughts on maintaining a strong brand identity through your logo.


A strong brand identity is crucial for any successful Shopify store. Your logo is often the first thing customers see, and it sets the tone for their entire shopping experience. A well-designed logo can create an immediate connection, making your brand memorable and trustworthy.

Customer loyalty is built on consistent and positive experiences. A recognizable and professional logo helps in creating these experiences. As customers become familiar with your logo, they begin to associate it with the quality and reliability of your products. Over time, this familiarity fosters loyalty, encouraging repeat purchases and word-of-mouth recommendations.

At First Pier, we specialize in helping Shopify stores optimize their brand identity. From logo design to comprehensive SEO strategies, our goal is to turn your store into a high-performance sales powerhouse. Let us help you create a logo that not only looks great but also enhances your brand's visibility and customer loyalty.

By maintaining a strong, consistent logo, you ensure your brand remains memorable and trustworthy. This is key to building lasting relationships with your customers and driving long-term success for your Shopify store.

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