Keyword Stuffing

Keyword stuffing is a technique of overusing keywords in website content in order to manipulate search engine rankings. It is a type of black hat SEO (Search Engine Optimization) used by unscrupulous webmasters to attempt to game the system and increase their website’s visibility in search results.

The practice involves cramming multiple instances of the same keyword into a page, often repeating it several times within sentences or paragraphs, as well as using hidden text and other means to disguise it. The goal is that these repeated keywords will fool search engines into believing that a page is more relevant than it actually is, resulting in higher rankings for the page.

Keyword stuffing is closely related to keyword density, which refers to the quantity of keywords appearing on a given page relative to its total content. While keyword density can be legitimately used as an SEO tool to improve search engine visibility when done properly and with subtlety, keyword stuffing abuses the concept by presenting content filled with irrelevant words and phrases solely for the purpose of manipulating search engine algorithms.